Sports fans are in for a treat today...
- Wimbledon Final at 9a
- Eurocup Final at 3p
- Copa America Final at 8p
I'll go Alcaraz, England, Columbia.
Livin La Vida Luna y Luca

Luna cried all the way home when we didn't buy her a stuffed animal from the market. Then immediately proceeded to play with a friggin' diaper box for an hour at home.
Anxious Marketing
I spent all of last week and the first half of this week waking up with sore... teeth 😬.
I was grinding in my sleep because I've been feeling anxious.
The last time I went through something like this was in December 2021 when I bought 4 properties in the span of ~6 weeks.
I ended up basically chewing off the sides of my tongue back then.
🤢 Graphic, I know.
This time's different, though.
I'm well past my "buying" window this year. I'm trying (v hard) NOT to buy anything else right now.
But I'm having a similar reaction to the exact opposite stimulus.
I think my current bout with anxiety stems from the feeling of not doing enough.
To use a sports analogy: It feels like I'm a defensive football player sitting on the sidelines waiting for my offensive teammates (contractor partners) to do their jobs and put some points on the board.
I'm just over here... sitting on my stationary bike - keeping my legs warm. I'm staying ready to jump in at any given moment. But I also have full confidence in my partners to march down the field.
So I wait....
And this feeling of not doing enough compounds daily.
So I get cute creative and initiate a new marketing strategy.
We looked up the high school graduating class of our target markets and ran each student's last name against the public database to figure out where they live.
Creepy. I know.
We'll send our postcard sequence to those homes and see if that generates any leads.
People like to downsize after their kids go off to college, right?
We'll find out... one way or the other.
Loving Kindness
In the meantime...
I re-downloaded the Oak meditation app on Wednesday.
I've been doing the 10-minute Loving Kindness meditation every morning before the gym and it's already starting to make a difference.
May I be happy, may I be healthy, may I be at peace...