SSS #249: Sunday Seven


I went 1 for 3 on my sports picks last week.

Thank you, Alcaraz.


Livin' La Vida Luna y Luca

Costco Run

First time we hit Costco as a family in ~months. Kids love the samples.

Sunday Seven

Are you looking for something new to read, watch, or listen to?

If so, let me help...


We don't let the kids say the word God at home. So obviously they belt the chorus of this song every chance they get.



Jake Gyllenhaal in a whodunit legal thriller.

Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad) plays a judge trying to protect his son from a New Orleans Crime Family after killing their son in a car accident.

2 words: Yes, Chef!


This book is AWESOME! I cannot recommend it enough. It's the story of Jho Low, a Malaysian businessman who stole billions of dollars from 1MDB: A Malaysian Sovereign Fund.

The country thought they were investing in businesses and infrastructure. But JL was spending it on greasing hands, partying, yachts, private jets, and hiring celebrities to be in his entourage. WILD.

This book is less awesome but required reading nonetheless.

I'm only a few chapters in, but here's the doom and gloom picture being painted so far... The "play-based childhood", which began its decline in the late 80s is now fully replaced by the "device-based childhood".

Ergo, kids today are super f*cked. They can't look people in the eye, hold a conversation, sleep well at night, or pay attention to anything that doesn't provide new stimulation every few seconds.

V much looking forward to reading about the suggested solutions.


  • Intelligence should be measured by one's ability to achieve a desired outcome.

I read this in an email or on X and it stuck. Probably because I never thought of myself as "smart".

I do, however, know how to get what I want.