SSS #256: Can't Win 'em All


Livin' La Vida Luna y Luca

1st Week of School
1st Week of School

YoYo - New Class, Who Dis?

Can't Win 'em All

There's a phrase commonly repeated in baseball... "A .333 will get you into the Hall of Fame."

It's something people say when a player can't get on base to save his life.

The mindset is it doesn't matter if you fail to get on base ten at-bats in a row. You'll go down in history if you get on base ~33x out of the next 90 at-bats.

I like this saying because it makes a finite game (pitcher vs. batter) feel infinite. As long as a batter can stay in the lineup, they'll have countless attempts to find success.

This ".333 will get you into the HOF" saying is on my mind because I struck out quite a few times this week.

1 - Center Deal Died

Center Deal Died
Center Deal Died

My buddy and I have been working a seller in my target market for MONTHS.

After our very first meeting, we agreed on the price and terms. Then she froze as soon as we sent the contract.

We tried easing her mind by removing any language she didn't like. We even offered to pay for an attorney of her choice. She ultimately decided she wanted representation.

*Pop-fly to Center*

2 - Private Money Lender Said No

Lender Said No
Lender Said No

I thought this was a softball about to get knocked out of the park, but I read the situation completely wrong.

I accept full blame for this strikeout.

First, I betrayed one of my rules for raising private money: Always make the ask over the phone or in person.

Second, I should have known this investor had a wedding coming up. I'm in the business of knowing other people's business.

*Strikes Out Swinging & Breaks Bat Over Knee*

3 - Buyer Said No

My good friend, and real estate agent, Amanda DaSilva, reached out to me late last week to say she had a buyer looking for an off-market property in Short Hills, NJ.

I excitedly whipped together an email so she could have talking points for her call with them.

Talking Points
Talking Points

Unfortunately, they couldn't get past the 6-minute drive to the train.

6 Minutes From Paradise
6 Minutes From Paradise

*Buyer does that Derek Jeter fadeaway to throw me out at 1st.*

4 - Offer Rejected $82.5K Above Ask

I made an offer on a corner lot ranch in my target market for $50K above ask.

I asked the listing agent to represent me so I had a better chance.

The morning of highest & best, she called me to say there was an offer $80K above ask.

So I moved to Ask + 82.5

Someone came in $125K above ask at the last second.

Losing out on this deal feels like I struck out. I also think the buyer overpaid. So it's more like I got hit by the pitch.

*I'm on base, but my ass kinda hurts.* 😂

What I'm Working On...

Project Silver Spring
Project Silver Spring
Project Hillside
Project Hillside
Project Oliver
Project Oliver
Project Fairmount
Project Fairmount

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Templates: I use a lot of customizable templates in my business. You can download them for free (pay-what-you-want) on my Gumroad Page.
  2. Consulting: If you're stuck in your business or real estate-related activity, I might be able to help. Book a call with me today. If you hate my advice more than stubbing your toe on the leg of your dining room table, there's a 100% no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.
  3. From Active to Passive: I help people convert their excess active income into passive income with a strategy called Private Money Lending. If you have $100K+ in liquid assets, book a call with me to learn more.