Livin' La Vida Luna y Luca

Luna is smiling because she's getting a candy cane after the picture.
Luca is terrified because I told him Santa likes to bite. 😆
Dominate 2025
Jesse Itzler's episode on the MFM podcast was so good I listened to it twice.
Who is Jesse Itzler?
He's part owner of the Atlanta Hawks and Co-Founder of:
- Maquis Jet (sold to Warren Buffet)
- Zico Coconut Water (sold to Coca-Cola)
- 2,9029 Everesting

Oh yeah, he's also Sara Blakely's (Founder of Spanx) Hubby.
You can skip today's email and spend the next 60 minutes listening to the pod (I won't be offended) or get the condensed version below.
Here's how to have an awesome 2025 (& beyond). And some additional commentary by me.
Step 1: Close Out The Prior Year
We can't start 2025 without closing out 2024.
Questions to ask yourself:
- What worked in 2024? Can I do more of it?
- What didn't work in 2024? Should I stop doing this or keep trying?
- What did I want to accomplish in 2024, but didn't?
- Is it still a priority or is it time to let go?
The thing that worked best for me in 2024 was Joint Ventures. Every project I took down was with a 50% GC Partner. I got to work in my zone of genius (finance, admin, creative), and they got to work in theirs.
- Get light! Declare email bankruptcy. Delete your pending to-do list. Throw away your dry pens and half-scribbled-in notebooks. Empty your closet. Donate everything that doesn't spark joy. If you haven't worn it in the past 3 months, you likely won't wear it in the next 3 years.
- Write 12 Thank You Notes to people who made a difference in your life in 2024. It could be your kids' teacher, a vendor or subcontractor, someone who opened a door for you. It doesn't matter. Let someone know you're grateful for them.
Step 2: Choose a Misogi
Misogi is a Japanese Shinto ritual that involves cleansing the body and mind through physical and mental challenges.
The idea is to complete a mental and/or physical challenge that has the potential to define your year.
For example:
- Write a book
- Start a company
- Run a marathon
- Launch a podcast
- Quit Smoking/Drinking
Misogi's don't happen overnight. They can take months to plan and prepare for.
If you're having trouble getting started, a simple idea could be a Half-Marathon. I did that in 2023, and it was a year-defining challenge for me. I lacked a proper Misogi in 2024, but I'm committed to finding one for 2025.
Step 3: 6 Mini-Adventures:
Try to do something you normally wouldn't do every other month.
Bonus points: Do something you've specifically created a story about not doing. For me, that would be outdoor camping or driving somewhere more than 3 hours away with my kids in the car.
It could also be something simple out of the routine. For example, if you're used to getting Pizza every Friday night, maybe you get Chinese instead. Silly example, but the idea is to shake things up.
This is going to sound silly, but the other night we went to Turtleback Zoo for the Christmas Light Show. As we drove there, I asked Dia, "When's the last time we left the house after dinner... with the kids?" I'm looking for more of these opportunities in 2025. Disrupt the routine.
Step 4: Add 1 Winning Habit (Per Quarter)
Some small examples:
- Do a 90-second stretch routine when you wake up in the morning
- Read two pages before falling asleep at night
- Close your eyes and focus on your breath for 30 seconds after you sit down at your desk, but before you turn on your laptop
Notice how the barrier to entry on all of these habits is VERY low. Give yourself the easy win. You'll likely surpass the minimum requirement each time.
My first new winning habit of 2025 will be cutting back on meat & poultry (chicken, turkey, bison, lamb). I want to go from having it 7x/week to maybe 2x/week. I'm hopeful this dietary restriction will help lower my LDL. Let's see.
Step 5: Visualize Yourself in 5 Years
If you follow the recipe above:
- You'll have completed 30 new mini-adventures
- Added 20 new winning habits
- Sent thank you letters to 60 people
- Removed tons of junk from your life
You're basically Jason Bourne at that point!
But seriously, think about who you want to be in 5 years. Where will you live? Who will you be spending time with? Who will you NOT be spending time with? How old will you be? How old will your kids be? How old will your parents be?
5 years is long and short. I feel like I'll be the same person for the most part (hopefully a little wiser). My kids will be totally different people. My parents will be (actually) retired. Not just semi-retired.
Step 6: Create Time For Yourself
Commit to putting your mask on before trying to assist anyone else. Aim for 90 cumulative minutes per day.
- Rethink the way you treat time. It's going to pass regardless of how you choose to spend it. You can be passive and let other people's agenda fill up your calendar. Or you can play offense, take control, and start building the life you want to live.
- Flirt with the idea of creating newness. Newness is important for your relationships, momentum, and zest for life. The only way to actively create newness is to plan it.
Thankfully, I'm hella selfish and don't have much room for improvement in this field. I have too much time for myself.
I can, however, embrace newness. I've been accused of not being "fun" or "spontaneous". During this particular time of year, some may even call me "Grinchy". This grumpy old man needs to re-discover his young, wild, and free spirit.
Step 7: (Optional) Buy the Big A## Calendar
The magic of this calendar is you can see your ENTIRE YEAR on one page.

What I'm Working On...

Whenever You're Ready...
Here are 3 ways I can help you:
- Templates: I use a lot of customizable templates in my business. You can download them for free (pay-what-you-want) on my Gumroad Page.
- Consulting: If you're stuck in your business or real estate-related activity, I might be able to help. Book a call with me today. If you hate my advice more than stubbing your toe on the leg of your dining room table, there's a 100% no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.
- Passive Income Opportunity: I help people convert their savings into passive income with a strategy called Private Money Lending. If you have $100K+ in liquid assets, book a call with me to learn more.